location qr code generator

Geo. QR Code

Generate Reset

Custom QR Code With Logo

Map QR Code Generator

By using Location to QR we can easily share any geo locations easily. To generate valid QR code we have to provide latitude and longitude of the earth coordinates. Following steps are required to create qr code maps easily.

  • Provide Latitude and Longitude
  • Select Colors to custom QR Code
  • Select Geo Logo for Location
  • Additionally we can set frame for QR code

How to Download Location QR

After successful generation of QR code there is an option of download in QR view. QR can be download as well as share using unique link. QR code can also be share across other social platforms.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Linked In
  • WhatsApp
Location QR Code Generator
Location QR Code Generator

How to Scan Location QR Code

QR code that has valid latitude and longitude can be scanned using Quick QR Code Scanner. and easily navigate to the maps application.