restaurant menu qr code generator

Please provide mandatory information to generate Menu QR code

Business Information

Owner Information

Custom Banner Image

*Use 500x300 Image Size

Menu Information

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Generate Reset

Menu Preview





Item Price Detail

How to create Menu QR code

In the modern era and evolution in ICT Quick Response Code is now frequently used in different field of life. There are different types op QR code, among that one is dynamic QR code whose contents can be update without changing the code pattern and vice versa. We can also create QR codes for the restaurant menu and other businesses. This QR code can be generated using custom properties such as custom logo, frame and colors. We can set fore and back color of QR code as per requirement. Custom QR codes are more eye catching and attractive.

Advantages of Menu QR Code

There are several advantages of design and share menu QR code. Some of these benefits are listed here.

  • We can update menu items any time when required.
  • Menu also have Company and Owner information for publicity.
  • Customer/client can directly contact with owner or business.
  • We can set expiry date of QR code that make it more flexible and secure.
  • Menu QR code is easily available for edit/update.
  • The generated QR code can be shared directly on several social media platforms.

Secure QR code

Data security is much important while sharing it over the other mediums or platforms. Quick QR Code Scanner provide authentication for all the generated QR codes. User can set expiry date for time span retrieval of information. After the expiry of QR code, this will not accessible by any means. User who create QR code will only owner of that particular dynamic QR code. A PIN code is sent to the owner by email/message that will be used to update, remove or edit the existing code.

Features of Dynamic Qr Code

There are some distinct feature of menu qr codes that are created using quick qr code scanner.

  • We can create QR code of any online business.
  • This QR code can be printed as label of products.
  • This QR code can be easily update without reprint.
  • All the Qr codes are free and available 24/7
Restaurant Menu QR Code Generator
Restaurant Menu QR Code Generator

Steps to create Menu QR Code

A few user friendly steps are required to create QR code from the list of menu. These steps are listed here.

  1. Type here business name about which menu qr is required.
  2. Optionally we can provide business details such as email and contact info.
  3. Then we are required to provide list of items that are part of menu.
  4. Additionally we can upload menu or business picture that will display when particular QR will be scanned.
  5. Preview of the QR is dynamically updated, So that we can monitor every minor change in data.
  6. After set of all these parameters we are required to click on Generate button.
  7. The generated QR code can be shared and download for later use.